Knowledge Base

Categories (12)

Account and Access

Articles on password requirements, updating passwords on mobile devices, etc.

Enterprise Applications

Banner related articles, including ImmunU, Argos, etc. Articles on other University enterprise applications including the CBORD Point of Sale, GetFunds, etc.

Teaching & Learning

Articles on instructional tools and technologies (such as EchoVideo, PointSolutions), our learning management system (Canvas) and technology-enhanced learning spaces.

Computer and Peripherals

Articles related to standard desktop and computer support, including Microsoft Office, OneDrive and SharePoint

Email and Calendar

Articles related to e-mail and calendar

File Storage and Sharing

Articles related to shared folders, mapping network drives


Mobile device support

Network, Internet and WiFi

Articles on installing and using VPN

Phone, Voicemail and Conferencing

Articles related to phones, voicemail or conferencing

Printing, Copying, and Faxing

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