NEOMED Computer Replacement Program


  • NEOMED's Computer Replacement Program (the "Program") refers to the multi-year cycle in which the University deploys PC and macOS devices to qualifying users and then recovers them at the end of the cycle to then deploy new devices to such users.
  • Accessories are not included in this Program.
  • An assessment of the Program will be completed at the end of the 3rd year of the cycle to evaluate program parameters, financial analysis, and general process review. 

Applies To

  • NEOMED faculty, staff, post-doctorate, and grant funded employees (not available for affiliated faculty, students, volunteers, or graduate students)
  • Windows and macOS devices 

Program Details


  • NEOMED partners with a leasing company to obtain modern, Dell Windows laptops and deploy them to qualifying users.
  • The PC replacement cycle is four (4) years.
  • NEOMED IT covers the cost of the leased device as part of this Program.
  • Once the device is received by IT, IT staff will install the latest operating system version, Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader, standard drivers, and anti-virus software on each device. No other software is provided by the University for newly deployed devices.
  • Near the conclusion of the cycle, users will be contacted by IT staff to coordinate a time to return their NEOMED-issued PC device and have it replaced with a newly, leased device. 


  • For those electing for a macOS device, a $1322 allotment will be provided by the NEOMED IT Department toward the acquisition cost of a macOS device.
  • For any cost above the $1322 allocation, the employee's funding source (department) will be responsible to cover that additional cost. 
  • The macOS replacement cycle is five (5) years. 
  • Once the device is received by IT, IT staff will install the latest operating system version, Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader, standard drivers, and anti-virus software on each device. No other software is provided by the University for newly deployed devices.
  • Near the conclusion of the cycle, users will be contacted by IT staff to discuss the replacement of the NEOMED-issued macOS device. 


For any accessory needs, the employee’s funding source (department) is responsible for all accessory costs, which includes but is not limited to:

  • Docking stations
  • Monitors
  • Computer mice
  • Keyboards
  • Dual stands
  • Miscellaneous connectors, cables,
  • Speakers
  • Additional memory

To purchase accessories, please complete the Computer or Accessory Purchase/Quote request form.

Return of Device

  • At the end of the 4-year cycle, leased Windows devices must be returned to the IT Help Desk as these devices must be returned to the leasing company. 
  • If the previous device is not surrendered promptly within the parameters of the leasing program, the employee’s funding source (department) will be charged the buyout cost of the asset.
  • If the department wishes to purchase the asset at the end of the Program cycle for any reason, the employee’s funding source will be responsible for the buyout costs associated with the device.

Lost, Stolen, or Non-Returned Devices & Employee Separations

  • If an employee separates from the University, the NEOMED-issued device must be returned to the IT Help Desk. 
  • If a NEOMED-issued device becomes lost, stolen, or not returned, the employee’s funding source (department) will be responsible for the full replacement cost of the device. 
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