Connecting/Disconnecting to the NEOMED VPN Client


You must have the VPN client installed on your University device to connect. Only University devices are permitted to have the VPN installed; personal devices are not permitted. University devices should have the VPN client already installed. Please check your applications for GlobalProtect . If you do not have the VPN installed on your University device, please refer to the following articles for assistance:

Steps to Connect

Before connecting, make sure you have your multi-factor authentication (MFA) registered method (i.e. mobile device, hardware token) nearby to respond to the MFA prompt quickly when prompted.

  1. For devices with the GlobalProtect system already installed, double-click on the GlobalProtect icon should be in your system tray (right side of the taskbar.)
    • If you do not see the icon, please click the (^) icon in the bottom right of the task bar to see other icons; the VPN icon (pictured above should appear.)
    •  Alternatively, you can go to the Start menu and type GlobalProtect and then press Enter to launch the VPN
  2. If prompted, you may need to enter the NEOMED VPN Portal address which is (not your NEOMED email address.)
  3. After entering the Portal address, click Connect.
  4. After a few moments, a separate login window will then appear where you may be prompted for your NEOMED email address and password. If so, enter your NEOMED email address and password.
  5. You will then be asked to satisfy your primary MFA method. Please respond to the MFA prompt in a timely manner (otherwise you will need to complete the MFA prompt.)
  6. After completing MFA, the login window will disappear and then the GlobalProtect application will finish its connection.

To connect to NEOMED shared folders once you are connected to the VPN:

Steps to Disconnect

Always disconnect from the VPN when not using it to do NEOMED work.

  1. Right-click the GlobalProtect icon.
  2. Click Disconnect.
  3. After some moments, the GlobalProtect application will reflect your disconnection.

Connection Issues

Invalid Portal Address

If you entered your NEOMED email address when prompted for the NEOMED VPN Portal Address, you will get the following “Connection Failed” error. To fix this, you will need to delete the invalid portal address and add the correct portal address.

To fix this, in the upper right hand corner of the GlobalProtect app, click the 3 horizontal bar icon and then click Settings.

In the Settings window, you will be placed on the General Tab. Within the Portals section, highlight the portal address listed (in this example, this should be your email address ex.

Once highlighted, click Delete found at the bottom of the window.

You will be asked to confirm the deletion, click Delete again to remove the invalid portal address.

You will now be able to enter the correct Portal Address. Click Add at the bottom of the window. A Portal Address window will appear. Type for the Portal Address. Click Save once entered.

You should see the following if done correctly. If so, you may click the X icon on the top right of the window.

You can then follow the Steps to Connect steps above to complete your connection to the VPN.

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