Accessing NEOMED Email and Tips for New Students/Employees

Access NEOMED Email (Outlook on the Web)

  1. Go to or go to an Internet browser and type in
  2. Enter your NEOMED email address and password.
    1. NEOMED email address: <YOUR USERNAME HERE>
    2. Password:
      • Initially you will be assigned a new, temporary password. If you have not changed your temporary password, please reset your password (see this KnowledgeBase article)
  3. If this is your first time logging in, you will need to setup multi-factor authentication (MFA) and password reset information associated with your account. Please refer to the following KnowledgeBase article to guide you through the registration process. Otherwise, you will be prompted for your registered MFA login method.

Outlook training videos can be found here: Outlook training

Email Setup for Mobile Devices

Accessing Shared/Class Calendars

Training and Support Resources

Need Additional Help?

Contact the NEOMED Help Desk online (Help Desk Client Portal) or by phone (330-325-6911)

Refer to this link for the Help Desk/Library hours:

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