Inactive Accounts - What Happens When I Have Not Logged Into My Account in Over 6 Months?

Demotion of Inactive Accounts

Your extended NEOMED privileges come with a condition.  As a graduate of the University, you can continue to use your NEOMED email address as long as you log in to it at least once every six (6) months (183 days will be used to measure this activity.)

If you do not log into your NEOMED account for 184 days or more:

  • Your NEOMED account will be locked to protect it from unauthorized access. The lock simply means that to log in to your NEOMED account, you will first need to have your account unlocked by providing additional information to the NEOMED Help Desk to confirm that you’re the account holder. Once you’ve verified your identity, you’ll be prompted to reset your password. Note that unlocking your account will not restore nor recover your NEOMED email address (
  • Your NEOMED email will be closed, and you will no longer be able to send emails from your NEOMED email address, receive emails sent to your NEOMED email address, nor access emails you sent or received in the past. Once that happens, your NEOMED email cannot be reopened, even if you unlock your NEOMED account.

What Can I Do If This Happens to My Account?

How can I unlock my account?

Please contact the NEOMED Help Desk to see if your account be unlocked. Accounts that have been locked for more than 12 months, will be deleted. Please note that unlocking your account will not restore nor recover your NEOMED email.

What if I forget these instructions and just try to log in?

If you try to log into your account before unlocking it, you’ll see an error message indicating that your password or account name is incorrect. Please contact the NEOMED Help Desk for assistance.

What can I do if my account was deleted?

If your account was inactive and then subsequently locked for more than 12 months (549 days in aggregate), your account will be deleted and you will not be able to recover this account. If you return to the University in the future as an active student or employee, you will receive a new University account at that time.

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