Guest Account Request


Guest accounts can be sponsored by a faculty or staff member of NEOMED, including for employees who are not paid through the University’s Payroll department, to gain access to privileges such as network access, library access, email, Canvas, and other academic or administrative services as deemed appropriate.


  • In order to create a NEOMED Guest Account, the sponsoring NEOMED faculty or staff member will need to acknowledge and agree to the Sponsor and Guest Responsibilities, as part of the Request an NEOMED Guest Account form.

Who Can Access

  • Sponsoring NEOMED faculty and staff for campus guests with demonstrated business need

Guest Access Account Types

  • Basic Account:
    • Includes NEOMED account and access to certain, limited applications.
  • Standard Account:
    • Includes NEOMED account, NEOMED badge access to University facilities, and access to email, Canvas, and web-based Microsoft 365 applications. This is the most common type of Guest Account and is used by visiting scholars, faculty handbook adjuncts, etc.
  • Premium Account:
    • Includes access to Microsoft 365 desktop apps in addition to what’s included in standard guest account. This license incurs additional fees for the University and can only be granted to individuals who need this license to fulfill job duties.

To view a comprehensive list of what’s included in each type of account, view the Knowledge Base article, Requesting a NEOMED Guest Account

How to Request Access

  1. Complete the Request a NEOMED Guest Account form.
    • Note: Guest accounts will only have the necessary licensing to perform their job duties. Most guest account needs can be fulfilled using the standard guest account.
  2. In order to create a NEOMED Guest Account, the sponsoring NEOMED faculty or staff member will need to acknowledge and agree to the Sponsor and Guest Responsibilities, as part of the Request an NEOMED Guest Account form.
  3. If you would like to request multiple guest accounts at the same time (CMU-KSI requests should be completed this way), please download and complete the Bulk Guest Account Excel sheet and email it to the IT Help Desk with the subject line reading "Bulk NEOMED Guest Account Request".
    1. If accounts have been created in Banner already, please include their Banner ID in the Additional Comments field.
  4. Guest Account user will receive email notification of the account creation and corresponding information.


Request a NEOMED Guest Account

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