Account (Commodity) Code Information for Technology Purchases


Expenditure account codes are standardized systems of numbers used to identify goods and services being purchased. They can help make procurement processes more efficient and organized, and can also be used to identify suppliers' products and services. When purchasing technology, there are some expenditure account codes that should be used in accordance with the type of technology you are purchasing. This article is to outline the various IT-related account codes, along with the goods and services to which they pertain. 

Technology Catalog

Computer Accessories & Supplies

Accessory/Supply Account Code
Carrying Case (Laptop) 739000
CDs 739000
Docking Station (Laptop) 739000
Monitors (Computer) 739250
Mouse (Computer) 739000
Mouse Pad (Computer) 739000
Printer Cartridge(s) 739000
Printer/Scanner 739250
Servers 739250
Sound Bar 739000
Surge Protector 739000
Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) 739250
UPS Hot Swap Batteries 739250

Computer Software (Applications)

Type Description Account Code
New Software/Applications < $75,000 (Approval Required) For new software/upgrade purchases used on individual computers, site and server licenses, etc. Not used for renewals 739100
New Software/Applications >= $75,000 (Capital Project, Approval Required) For new software/upgrade purchases that are intended for departmental or university-wide use. Not used for renewals 793800
Software Renewals Maintenance contracts used for software (i.e. Adobe, Articulate, etc.) 763000

Computer Hardware (Systems)

Type Description Account Code
New Hardware/System < $5,000 (Approval Required) For computer systems costing less than $5,000 (i.e. Dell laptops, towers, iMacs). Not used for warranties. 739200
New Hardware/System >= $5,000 (Approval Required) For computer systems costing $5,000 or more. Not used for warranties. 793300
Hardware Contracts/Support/Warranties Maintenance contracts, support or warranties used for computer hardware (i.e. AppleCare) 763050

Audio/Video Equipment (Classroom Technology)

Type Description Account Code
New AV Equipment < $5,000  For audio/video equipment costing less than $5,000. 739300
New AV Equipment  >= $5,000 (Approval Required) For audio/video equipment costing $5,000 or more. 793550
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