By default, when sharing files or folders through OneDrive, sharing permissions will be set to "People in Northeast Ohio Medical University with the link." Due to security policies, "anyone" links are disabled.
If you need to share with those outside of NEOMED, please see the following section.
How to Share with Those Outside of NEOMED
- Right-click on the document/folder you want to share and select 'Share' (on Windows 10) or 'OneDrive' -> ‘Share’ (on Windows 11.)
- To share the selected file/folder with an external party, you will need to then select the gear/cog icon to access the sharing settings:

- You will then need to select People You Choose.

- Depending on the sensitivity of the document(s), you may want to restrict the recipient(s) from being able to download the University document(s). To enable this, select the toggle next to Block download and ensure the toggle is set to On.

- Once you have selected People you choose and any associated settings selected, click Apply.
- When you select ‘Apply’, you’ll then be prompted to enter the email address(es) of the recipient(s) within the “Add a name, group or email” section.

- Once you’ve added the recipient email address(s), you can transmit the OneDrive link to the document/folder through two methods:
- You can enter a brief message within the Add a message box and then click Send. This will then send an email to the recipient(s) containing the message you included in the message box as well as the OneDrive link to the file(s)/folder.
- This option is ideal for quick sharing/short messages.
- Another option is to select Copy link. This will copy the OneDrive link to your clipboard wherein you can then paste that link into an email or other communication to send to the recipients.
- This option is preferred if you have a formatted or longer message to communicate along with the OneDrive link.

More Information
For more information, please see Microsoft - Share OneDrive files and folders