Sync Your NEOMED Device Password (I'm on Campus, using a NEOMED Wireless Network)


Steps to take after changing the password on your NEOMED account to ensure that you can continue to log in to your University-owned laptop or desktop computer when working on-campus and connected to a NEOMED wireless network.


IMPORTANT: This article applies to NEOMED-owned devices only. It does not apply to your personal laptop/desktop computer.

  • If you have not already changed your password, go to the Change Your Password page and follow the prompts.
  • Determine whether your NEOMED laptop or desktop is joined to NEOMED Active Directory (AD):
    • If either the ID and/or password you use to log in to your computer is different from your NEOMED Account user ID or password, your device is not joined to AD.
    • If you do use your NEOMED Account user ID and password to log into your device, it may be joined to AD.  If you're not sure, see knowledge article How Can I Tell if My Device is Joined to NEOMED's AD Domain?
  • Sync your computer login password, if necessary:
    • If you don't have a device that's joined to AD: Refer to the After you change your password section below.
    • If you have one or more AD devices you use while working remotely and you use the NEOMED VPN, complete the following steps for each of those devices:
      • Log in to your AD device:
        • If you're already logged in to the device and the screen is not locked, skip to Sync your local login password below.
        • If the AD device is currently off / asleep / hibernating /or locked, try using your NEW password to log in.
          • If it doesn't work: Use your OLD password to log in; then continue with Sync your local login password below.
          • If that works: Skip to After you change your password below.
      • Reconnect to the NEOMED network:
        • Disconnect from the NEOMED wireless network if you are currently connected.
        • Update the password in your wireless profile and connect to the wireless network again.
      • Sync your local login password:
        • Wait a minute or two; then lock your screen (CTL-ALT-DEL on Windows; CTRL+CMD+Q on MAC; CTRL+ALT+L on Linux) 
          • IMPORTANT:  Do NOT log off, reboot, or shut down and restart your computer - just lock your screen using the key combinations listed above.
        • Wait approximately 10 seconds; then use your NEW password to unlock it. If your new password doesn't work: wait 15 minutes and try again.

After You Change Your Password

To learn about other steps you may need to take, see knowledge article After You Change Your NEOMED Account Password.



Article ID: 138199
Wed 6/1/22 3:33 PM
Mon 1/27/25 10:35 AM