How Can I Tell if My Device is Joined to NEOMED’s Active Directory Domain?


  1. Click the search icon (magnifying glass) next to the Windows Start button.
  2. Type Command Prompt in the search box and press Enter.
  3. Paste the following text in the Command Prompt window and press Enter:  systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"Domain"
  4. If the results are as follows, then your machine is bound to NEOMED AD:  Domain:
  5. If it returns no results, or something other than, your machine is not bound to NEOMED AD.    


  1. In the Finder, select Utilities from the Go menu.
  2. Open the Terminal app.
  3. Type (or copy and paste) the following command at the prompt: dsconfigad -show
  4. Press ENTER.  If your machine is bound to AD, the command will return several lines of results, including the following:
        Active Directory Domain =
  5. If it returns no results, or something other than, your machine is not bound to NEOMED AD.


  1. Open a Terminal (command line interface) window.
  2. Type the following command at the prompt:  realm list
  3. If your machine is joined to AD, the first line of the result will be
  4. If the command returns no results - or returns something other than - your machine is not bound to NEOMED AD.

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