Registering a Hardware Clicker

Clicker Registration Steps

NEOMED students using hardware clickers (blackberry-like device) will register their clickers during Student Orientation; however, sometimes a clicker gets broken or lost, and a new one needs to be purchased. When a new Clicker is purchased, it must be registered to the student account; otherwise, responses in class will not be registered to the student.

Once a student purchases a new Clicker from The Pod, the following steps should be completed: 

  1. Log in to PointSolutions at with your NEOMED email address. 
  2. Select Profile under the person icon in the top left and then select Profile.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  1. Scroll down to the Response Devices section where you see your registered clicker devices. Select Add a Clicker.

  1. Enter the 6-character Clicker ID on the back of the new clicker and then select Add.
  2. Once registered, you must delete the previous/old/lost clicker. Click on the clicker you want to delete and then select Delete (or Remove). 
    • You can also remove other mobile devices that you no longer use.  
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