If you are on campus:
To forward all calls to an alternate telephone or cell phone:
- On your Cisco phone, press the Forward All button.
- Dial the number as it would be dialed from your phone. I.E. 9 1 330 555 1212
- You will hear a beep and the phone will display “Forwarded to <the number you entered>.
To cancel call forwarding:
- Press the Forward Off button.
- You will hear a single beep and the “Forwarded to” will disappear.
If you are off campus:
To forward your Cisco phone while off campus, use the Cisco telephone Self Care Portal.
- Make sure you are connected to VPN. Open a web browser to https://cucm1.neomed.edu/ucmuser/
- Login using your network username and password. This will be without @neomed.edu.
- Along the left side, click Call Forwarding.
- Find your extension and place a check mark in the ‘Forward all calls to:’ box. Click the down arrow and select ‘Add a new number’.
- In the box, type in the number you would like to forward to as it would be dialed on campus. Make sure you enter a 9 and 1 if long distance. Press save.
- Forwarding has been setup. To cancel, simply uncheck the ‘Forward all calls to’ check box and click save.