How to Access the NEOMED Intranet


There are several ways to access the NEOMED Intranet:

  • Use the shortcut icon on your desktop 
  • Use the links on the NEOMED website under the 'For Faculty & Staff' and 'For Students' sections
  • Add a shortcut icon within Microsoft 365 portal. 

**Note** You may already have a shortcut under your Apps menu - go to Apps then All Apps,

see the Admin selected apps or Other section.

You can also add the shortcut icon to your Microsoft 365 app menu:

1. Log in to Microsoft 365

2. Click to open the App menu

3. Click on All apps →

4. Under Admin selected apps you should see NEOMED SharePoint Intranet Portal. When you hover over that app, an three dots will appear on the right - click on them to open a menu, then click to select Pin to launcher.


5. When you go back to the Microsoft 365 home page and list of apps, the NEOMED SharePoint Intranet Portal should be at the bottom of your apps list.



Article ID: 18576
Wed 11/16/16 12:34 PM
Tue 2/4/25 12:07 PM