In this article, you will find common error messages received if login attempts to NEOMED Microsoft 365 applications are unsuccessful. Solutions are listed below each error message.
Common Error Messages
- This username may be incorrect. Make sure you typed it correctly. Otherwise, contact your admin.
- This error occurs when an email is entered using the correctly spelled NEOMED domain (, but an incorrectly spelled or non-existent username.
- Solution: Check the spelling of the username portion of the email address.
- We couldn't find an account with that username. Try another, or get a new Microsoft account.
- This error occurs when the NEOMED domain extension ( is typed incorrectly, despite the username portion of the address being correct or incorrect.
- Solution: Check the spelling of the NEOMED domain extension (
- Enter a valid email address, phone number, or Skype name
- This error occurs when deleting the content of the email field after receiving either of the above two error messages.
- Solution: Enter a valid NEOMED email address (e.g., The error will disappear as you type.
- Your account or password is incorrect. If you don't remember your password, reset it now.
- This error occurs when an incorrect password is entered.
- Solution: Check the password spelling. If you need to reset your password, you can utilize the ‘reset it now’ or ‘Forgot my password' links.
- Sorry, your sign-in timed out. Please sign in again.
- This error occurs if you are half-way through the sign-in process and went elsewhere for too long.
- Solution: Retype your NEOMED email and password.
- Sign-in is blocked. You've tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect account or password
- This error occurs after too many login attempts with only NEOMED email address and password.
- Solution: In the address bar of the browser, type and restart the login process using NEOMED email and password.
- You've tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect account or password.
- This error occurs when accidentally signing in with a different email account, such as or
- Solution: Make sure the email address is using