Moving Files from your Home Drive to OneDrive

Tags onedrive home

Methods to transfer folders and files from your “O” drive to your OneDrive:

  • Drag and drop
  • Upload

To help ensure the best outcome, follow the steps below:

  1. View these brief videos in the NEOMED Success Center:
  • OneDrive - Getting Started
  • OneDrive - Storing and Managing Content
    • Uploading Files and Folders
  1. Delete any unneeded files and folders on the home drive “O”.  Be careful, we may not be able to restore files that are accidentally deleted.
  2. Review files for sensitive Information (ssn, personal data, account information). If the file needs to be stored, it will need to be password protected or encrypted and cannot be stored on the OneDrive.
  3. Upload/Move what will be kept to your Office 365 OneDrive folder. 

**Note** We recommend NOT USING OneDrive Sync. If you have Sync setup between your “O” Drive and OneDrive and then remove items from your “O” Drive it will remove them from OneDrive too! We will not be able to recover these files.

  • Once in OneDrive:
    • Select Upload, then Files or Folder (Folder is only available if you are using Chrome or Edge)


  • Drag/drop from your File Explorer to the OneDrive Files window

**TIP** Using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge allows you to upload or drag/drop an entire folder at one time.

Once your files are on OneDrive, you can access them from anywhere without using a VPN. There are also mobile apps available that will allow you to access them from a mobile device!

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