Scanning documents to PDF on an iPhone or iPad

If you don't have access to your desktop scanner, you can use your iPhone or iPad to "scan" your document to a PDF format.

  1. Launch the Notes app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Create a New Note (or New Folder).
  3. Tap the More button just above the keyboard. It looks like a plus (+) symbol.
  4. Tap Scan Document from the list of options.

  1. Line up the document you want to scan.
  2. If the scanner doesn’t automatically scan, tap the shutter button to manually scan the document.
  3. Repeat the step above for each page you want to scan for a single document.
  4. Tap Save when you've scanned all of the pages you want to include with one document. The scanned pages will populate in a new note in the Notes app. You can then email or text the document.


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Article ID: 105060
Fri 4/10/20 7:36 AM
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